The Steve Hill Legacy Library

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Welcome to The Steve Hill Legacy Library

Explore a growing collection of services spanning over thirty years of ministry from Steve Hill, including the historic Brownsville Revival and Awake America services. In this comprehensive collection, you'll discover:


Revival Essentials:

Discover revival essentials – timeless sermons like 'White Cane Religion,' 'Cry Wolf,' and 'You Can't Have It.' These classics have ignited hearts and sparked spiritual awakenings worldwide.


Life-Changing Baptismal Testimonies:

Watch and listen to the powerful testimonies of individuals whose lives have been forever changed as they share their personal stories before undergoing baptism.


Vibrant Community Engagement: 

Share experiences, testimonies, and memories, fostering a sense of unity and connection among those touched by this historic move of God. Join us as we continue to carry the torch of revival forward, together.

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Preserving Steve Hill's Legacy

Steve Hill's legacy is marked by his fervent passion for preaching and proclaiming a message of repentance. Now, you can experience the power of his passionate preaching firsthand with our collection of resources dedicated to preserving his impactful ministry.

The Legacy Library is for you if you're looking for:

  • Resources at Your Fingertips: The Legacy Library is easily accessible on your mobile device, making it effortless to deepen your faith on the go.
  • A Deepening of Your Relationship with Jesus: Explore the Legacy Library on your mobile device for a myriad of resources focused on Jesus, empowering you to strengthen and deepen your connection with Him on your spiritual journey.
  • Community Engagement: If you're seeking to engage in a vibrant faith community, the Legacy Library's mobile platform provides the perfect space to connect with like-minded believers, share experiences, and grow together in your journey with Jesus.

Meet the late Steve Hill 

Steve Hill's life story is a testament to the life-changing power of Jesus Christ. Starting from a dark place of drug addiction and despair, Steve encountered the love of Jesus in 1975. His journey to faith blossomed at Teen Challenge under the mentorship of David Wilkerson, where he found healing and purpose.

Together with his beloved wife Jeri, Steve embarked on a thrilling adventure as Assemblies of God missionaries, spreading the Gospel in Argentina, Spain, and Russia. Theirs was a journey of faith, marked by divine encounters and miraculous provision.

But perhaps the most extraordinary chapter of Steve's life unfolded at Brownsville Assembly of God in Pensacola, Florida, on Father's Day in 1995. It was there, in the midst of ordinary preaching, that an extraordinary move of God began. The Brownsville Revival, as it came to be known, drew millions from around the globe, hungry for a touch from heaven. Lives were transformed, marriages restored, and addictions broken as people encountered the tangible presence of God.

After Brownsville, Steve and Jeri founded Heartland World Ministries Church, pouring their hearts into shepherding a diverse congregation in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Despite facing daunting health challenges, including a battle with melanoma, Steve remained resolute in his faith, believing in the vision God had given him for the church.

On March 9, 2014, Steve Hill's earthly journey came to a close. But his impact lives on in the countless lives he touched. His story serves as a reminder that no one is beyond the reach of God's grace and that a life surrendered to Jesus can change the world. Steve's legacy continues to inspire believers everywhere to embrace their calling, walk in faith, and share the love of Christ with those around them.

Wait, what's included again?


Revival Essentials:

Discover revival essentials – timeless sermons like 'White Cane Religion,' 'Cry Wolf,' and 'You Can't Have It.' These classics have ignited hearts and sparked spiritual awakenings worldwide.


Life-Changing Baptismal Testimonies:

Watch and listen to the powerful testimonies of individuals whose lives have been forever changed as they share their personal stories before undergoing baptism.


Vibrant Community Engagement: 

Share experiences, testimonies, and memories, fostering a sense of unity and connection among those touched by this historic move of God. Join us as we continue to carry the torch of revival forward, together.

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Here's What Others Are Saying...


Although I never had the chance to attend the Brownsville Revival in person, watching the videos makes me feel like I've been there. Thank you, Lord, for this blessing!


I stumbled upon The Legacy Library during a challenging season of my life, and it's been nothing short of life-changing. The sermons from Steve Hill have spoken directly to my heart, addressing the struggles and doubts I've been facing. Through these videos, I've experienced a deeper understanding of God's love and a renewed passion for serving Him wholeheartedly. The Legacy Library has become my go-to resource for spiritual nourishment and encouragement, and I'm so thankful for the impact it's had on my life. 


Attending the Brownsville Revival was life-changing. The presence of God was tangible, and Steve's preaching ignited a passion for Jesus in me. Through The Legacy Library, I can relive those powerful moments and continue to draw inspiration from the revival that shaped my faith.

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